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mitsou / Mariko Okumura「winter works」

この度、東塔堂にて、mitsou こと Mariko Okumura の個展「winter works」を開催致します。本展では、段ボールなどの梱包材を利用して制作したコラージュ作品 cardboard paintings をご紹介いたします。最新作を加え、東京でははじめての cardboard paintings のみで構成された展示となります。身近な素材となった梱包材に新しい息を吹き込む、mitsouの紙の仕事を会場にてご覧ください。

会場:東塔堂 | Totodo

mitsou / Mariko Okumura
独学にて絵を描き始め、ホームページに掲載することから活動をスタート。 mitsou (みつ) 名義で、主に店舗やブランドのロゴ、広告、雑貨の企画、個人の肖像画までイラストレーターとして幅広い仕事を行う。近年の展示では、イラストと並行して抽象作品も発表している。
Instagram: @mitsou__                 

Mariko Okumura aka mitsou - winter works

Tokyo, Japan
January 18st - February 28st 2025

We are pleased to announce the solo exhibition “winter works” by Mariko Okumura aka mitsou at Totodo. In this exhibition, Okumura will present cardboard paintings, collages made from cardboard and other packaging materials. In addition to the latest works, this will be the first exhibition in Tokyo to consist entirely of cardboard paintings. Please come and see mitsou's works on paper, which breathes new life into packaging that has become a familiar material.

About the artist
Mariko Okumura is self-taught and started her career by drawing pictures and posting them on her website. Under the name mitsou, she works as an illustrator on a wide range of projects, mainly shop and brand logos, advertisements, general merchandise projects and personal portraits. In recent years, she has exhibited abstract works alongside her illustrations.
Instagram: @mitsou__ 
