ハーバート・スペンサー 編. Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd, 1964 - 67. Softcover. 52pp. Text in English. Size: 274x212mm.
『Typographica / No. 9』
Avant-garde graphics in Poland between the two world wars by Anatol Stern
Henryk Berlewi and Mechano-faktura by Eckhard Neumann
Sunday photographers by Michael Middleton
Crowns by Camilla Gray

『Typographica / No. 11』
Alexander Rodchenko: a Constructivist designer by Camilla Gray
The Inscriptional Work of Eric Gill, an inventory: Book Review
Massin by Germano Facetti
Herbert Beyer's photographic experiments by Eckhard Neumann
Words and images by John Berger
At Remaurian by John Berger(別冊)

『Typographica / No. 12』
The Nymph and the Grot: the revival of the sanserif letter by James Mosley
Fishing Figures by Barbala Jones
The living symbol by Aloisio Magalhaes
Art on the Assembly Line by Ann Gould
Dieter Rot: Book Review
Emphatic fist, informative arrow by Edward Wright
The arrow in China by K. P. Mayer

『Typographica / No. 16』
Typographica 1949-67 by Herbert Spencer John Heartfield by Eckhard Neumann
The word as ikon by Berjouhi Barsamian Bowler
Kurt Schwitters on a time-chart by Stefan Themerson